Horse has come to guide us through this week. Power, stamina, strength & balance will be the watchwords for this time, as we are asked to stand fast & refuse to run away from those things that may frighten us. Just as horse might carry a deep fear of cougar or wolf suddenly coming out of the woods & threatening her, so we must be aware of the things that we fear most deeply. Most of what frightens us, whether it be financial, physical or spiritual, will never happen. These things live primarily in our minds, but we can give them life if we focus upon them with powerfully fearful images. So, this week focus instead on the most illuminated & joyous outcomes you can possibly manifest; see yourself in strength, in power & in serenity. Horse instills in us, as well, the balance & stamina to carry on through long-term situations that will tax our reserves, & which may make us feel like giving in to fatigue, or threaten to dishearten us to the point where we will just want to give up. Meditate on the power of Horse, & draw endurance from her. Horse also loves community, so go to your friends, family & loved ones for shelter & nourishing companionship.
Blessings For the Week, Val
Very nice blog developing, great website evolving.