Walking Stick Bug tells you that this is the time to keep your plans close to your heart & to reveal them to no one just yet. Silence & stillness are the watchwords for the moment, since there's a danger that someone or something may be about to undermine or sabotage your intentions. On the other hand, there's the possibility that you're holding too tightly to those plans & are thinking them to death without ever taking the steps that are needed to bring them into fruition. Unfulfilled dreams can undermine your energy & self-esteem as they demand to be brought into manifestation, so take time now to consciously free those plans & make a list of the first steps you can take to begin the process. Later, when the energy favors more aggressive action, you'll be ready to go.
Meditation & dream work are very helpful now as you solidify your ideas. It's not a time for action, but is perfect for refining what you have already begun, as well as for asking for inspiration from the deepest parts of your psyche. Rest can be important now as the seasons change & our bodies require more sleep as well as warm, nourishing foods, especially those that take awhile to cook - stews, breads & casseroles. You may not feel so much like socializing, but are drawn to the home hearth, quiet music & good books.
Walking Stick Bug will wait in perfect stillness for his meal to come along, or will freeze in place
as a predator passes by, & we could benefit from these behaviors during this week. Pay close attention to what's going on around you, listen to your intuition about the people you think you can trust, & as you wait, nourish yourself & build your dreams.
Have a great week!
Blessing, Val
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