In the fast moving and changeable world in which we live, we may not have noticed that last week on Mar. 3, the Moon's nodes shifted into Sagittarius and Gemini, creating a new set of energies and opportunities. The nodes affect the destiny of all of us for the next eighteen months, and we can be certain that our focus on what's important needs to shift to the greater good of community, nation and world. Women's collective voices need to be heard, business wants to be unusual rather than usual, and a different and more financially responsible direction taken for large corporations as well as for all the rest of us on a more personal level. This is the time to forgive anything harsh in speech or behavior, any feuds or other interpersonal troubles, no matter who is involved. Be patient with others, take the high road in any kind of communications and use generosity all actions you take. It's challenging and tricky to communicate with your clearest and best intentions. What's easier now is to adapt or revise your beliefs about yourself and your world; how big and far reaching are your visions and dreams? While the nodes are in Sagittarius and Gemini, communications of any kind, short trips, vehicles and small engines, small animals, and siblings will all require you to be more vigilant, clear and purposeful in order to get things done, and yet glitches and delays may still occur. Focus, changes or adjustments in areas relating to belief systems, long journeys, higher learning, large animals, philosophy, religion and spirituality will be easier to understand and accomplish.
Certainly, a breather from the hectic pace and additional stress lately is quite necessary now; however, these times of change still demand your detailed attention if you plan to benefit during what is now a more predictable and determined chaos; aggressiveness and another round of mindless activity will support the status quo. Complicating these times will be a dreamy overlay of energies that make being steady and positive so much more challenging and harder to maintain. Strive for less fear and worry about who is getting it wrong or who is distracting you, and put more attention on how to peacefully bring what is out-of-control back to a place of workability, sanity and peace of mind. A simple course of action often brings the best results. Not to worry!! With these new influences come the eclipses which are part of the activity of the nodes, and we are having five more this year! These eclipses may bring very unsettling influences to otherwise very stable relationships, yet in the times of such powerful astrology you can expect even the most stable relationships to change and grow. Those that don't may be in for unexpected situations and disappointment. Fitting in is not what works. Being flexible and willing to expand is what's called for in the way you grow and transform at these higher vibrations, although it might be tricky and difficult and tricky. Even the smallest of changes takes courage, and the collective energies of the nodes offer that now.
This Friday, Uranus enters Aries, and for the next seven years it will stay in the first fire sign. Welcome challenge and change as well as the need to rework many things on an ongoing basis. Here the theme for change affects how we relate to each other. Old or unchanged relationships need work, and some may not survive these times. Even simple misunderstandings now can cause full blown arguments. Taking a look at what doesn't work vs. what to keep of your own personal behavior all comes under the microscope. There is no place to hide when Uranus needs to reform, Saturn wants to instill and preserve structure and foundations, and Pluto stirs up your emotional and psychological landscape. Remember, when entering anything new fear can surface, but you can use the things you know about creating positive outcomes from the chaos and find yourself in a better future. It is certain that relationships of all kinds as well as much that you're nurturing at the moment will be transformed.
With Uranus in Aries, the influences involve the physical and the spiritual. Acting with passion and determination, creating new enterprises, or adjusting old ways of operating business are key noted. Dealings with large groups, associations, animal causes, and the environment also take center stage, and it is how you see these differently that helps you to prosper in your understanding and grow in consciousness. Every one of us has a part to play in our world, in how we want it to be and transform even in the smallest of ways. Over the next two months, on and around April 3rd, is a very potent time with six planets in Aries, including that day's sun and new moon, so be extra vigilant of what you say and do. We have to be mindful of our own energy, and guard against projecting our anxieties and worries onto others if you are fearful of new paradigms. Be ready and willing to see life in new ways, and that's all. The details of what to do are a matter of your own circumstances, intuition, your higher guidance and the universe. What happens at the individual level is what drives what happens at the personal relationship, community, national and global level thereafter. Your task is to be loving, aware and responsible in all that you say and do. Reaching out a helpful hand to an elder crossing the street, lending energy and love to help resolve conflicts between friends or coworkers, or simply giving more time to pray for the highest good for everyone are ways to manage these stressful times.
Gemini folk may experience unexpected difficulties, added frustrations or take longer to process all the energies of the node in their sign, and Sagittarians may find quite the opposite; growth and transformation now quite a bit easier. Where Gemini and Sagittarius falls in your chart will definitely feel these planetary influences. Call Tom to schedule a reading to help you better understand how the planets and their energies in your chart affect you right now.
Use the influence of the 10 of Wands to help you to choose your burdens carefully during this time, & as a reminder that we all have loads with which we're working, but that they aren't an excuse for taking on the role of martyr. What you do, do with love & and compassion.